The Boughton Fen Wildlife Walk has been created with generous funding from the National Lottery through “Big Lottery Fund” and the work of an enthusiastic and dedicated group of volunteers. The fen is a 44 acre site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and County Wildlife Site (CWS) owned by Boughton Parish Council.
To maintain and preserve this nationally important wetland Boughton Parish Council has set up a Committee to manage the fen with advice from Natural England and the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. The SSSI and CWS have been entered into an Environmental Stewardship agreement, which funds the management of the site.
At certain times of the year, you may see the drier grassy area being grazed by livestock to enhance the floral biodiversity of this habitat.
Grass snakes, frogs and toads are common. Harvest Mouse nests are often found but the animals themselves are rarely spotted. In addition to the Common Reed, plantlife includes Hemp Agrimony, Meadowsweet and Marsh Marigold. Dragonflies are numerous, including Four-spotted Chaser, Broad-bodied Chaser, Common Darter, Hairy Dragonfly and the Banded Demoiselle.
Muntjac Deer are regular visitors. Plant life includes Common Meadow Rue, Yellow Loosestrife and Purple Loosestrife, Woody Nightshade and Tufted Vetch, as well as other typical fen vegetation. At certain times of the year you may see this area being grazed by livestock, helping to preserve and enhance the growth of plant species that could otherwise be overpowered by the more vigorous grasses and reed.

On a glorious sunny afternoon Boughton villagers, invited guests and visitors assembled down at Boughton Fen to celebrate the opening of the Fen Wildlife Walk.
People started to arrive shortly after 2pm and by 2.30pm a large number had gathered, ready to walk the route which had been mowed and cut by volunteers a couple of days previously. The guest of honour was Mrs Joy Boldero, who had been chosen to ‘cut the ribbon’ as she had presented Boughton Fen with the inaugural Boldero Award, in conjunction with the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England. This award was for access to the countryside and had been made in memory of her husband, Charles.
We all set off, accompanied by the committee members across the boardwalk towards Lower Fen. It seemed a long column of walkers that followed the route, laughing and chatting and passing Joy’s dog, Tammy, from person to person as we went.
On arrival at the tall signboard on Highland Fen, we were met by a red ribbon across the path. Frank introduced Joy to the walkers. She gave a short speech before cutting the ribbon. Mark followed this with some more words, whilst the rest of the Committee were busy pouring out and handing around glasses of nice cold bubbly.
Andy Beeston’s two grandchildren presented Joy with a gift and everyone enjoyed their drinks while Dave and Mark demonstrated the ‘path cutter’. We set off again around the remainder of the walk and back to the cars. Everyone had enjoyed the afternoon and our visitors seemed very impressed by the achievements of Boughton Fen Committee and their willing band of volunteers.

We are aware that some of you were unable to join us on the day so if you would like an accompanied tour sometime in the future then please contact Angela on 01366 501335.